Clear It with Sidney | Hillman Foundation

Clear It With Sidney

The best of the week’s news by Lindsay Beyerstein

Clear It with Sidney

Sidney's Picks: Radioactive Fracking Justice, Bezos, and Saudi Arabia

Photo credit: 

Eric Gustafson, Creative Commons. 

The Best of the Week’s News: 

Sidney's Picks: Taxis, Twitter vs. Facebook, and Philly Shames Bad Businesses

Photo credit: 

Richard Burger, Creative Commons. 

Sidney’s Picks: 

Sidney's Picks: 150 Million Indians Strike, Hong Kong Workers Flock to Unions, and Parrots are Communists

Photo credit: 

Papooga, Creative Commons: Baby African Grey parrots sharing some strawberries. 

The Best of the Week’s News: 

Sidney's Picks: Climate Change Super-Charges Wildfires, Racist Cop Out

Photo credit: 

Ninian Reid, Mallacoota, Australia, Jan 2, 2020, Creative Commons.

The Best of the Week’s News: 

Happy New Year from the Sidney Hillman Foundation!

Sidney's Picks: RIP Philoine Hillman Fried (1917 - 2019)

Photo credit: 

Philoine Hillman Fried. Courtesy of the Hillman family. 

  • It is with great sadness that we report that Sidney Hillman’s daughter, Philoine, passed away on Sunday. Deepest condolences from all of us at the Sidney Hillman Foundation. She was a remarkable woman and we will miss her.


The Best of the Week’s News:

Sidney's Picks: Democracy Grief, KY Pardon Binge, Scooter Union

Photo credit: 

Lindsay Beyerstein, 2006. 

The Best of the Week’s News: 

Sidney's Picks: Mayor Pete, McKinsey, and Trump's Invisible Wall

Photo credit: 

Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons. 

The Best of the Week’s News: 

Sidney's Picks: Deadly Quartz Countertops, Google's Union-Busting, Wyo. GOP Eats Itself

Photo credit: 

Quartz countertops, Heather, Creative Commons.

The Best of the Week’s News: 

2020 Hillman Prizes: Call For Entries on Now!

Attention journalists, editors, and awards coordinators, the call for entries for the 2020 Hillman Prizes in Journalism is on now!

The Hillman Prizes honor investigative journalism and commentary in service of the common good. 

Prizes are awarded in the following categories:

  • Book
  • Newspaper
  • Magazine 
  • Broadcast 
  • Web
  • Opinion & Analysis 

Each prize consists of a $5000 honorarium and travel to New York City to attend the awards ceremony. 

Deadline for applications is January 30, 2020. 

Click here for full details and to enter.
