2008 Sol Stetin Award for Labor History | Hillman Foundation

2008 Sol Stetin Award for Labor History

David Brody

David Brody

David Brody rose to prominence following the 1969 publication of his pioneering history of early steelworker unions, The Steelworkers in America: The Nonunion Era, a book based on his doctoral dissertation. Brody is one of a few historians credited with founding the field of “new labor history” in North America, a branch of labor history that examines working-class culture and the experiences of workers, women and minorities in the study of history, rather than focusing solely on the history of workers’ organizations. He has written numerous articles and book-length treatments of the ethical, organizational and social construction of work and employment. In recent years, Brody has focused on the origins and transformation of American labor law, labor law reform and weaknesses in the structure and interpretation of the National Labor Relations Act. He is Professor Emeritus of History at the University of California at Davis.