Sidney's Picks: Senate Judiciary Committee Blocks LaSalle | Hillman Foundation

Clear It With Sidney

The best of the week’s news by Lindsay Beyerstein

Sidney's Picks: Senate Judiciary Committee Blocks LaSalle

Photo credit: 

Courtesy of New York State Senate, under Creative Commons.

Best of the Week’s News:

  • Hector LaSalle’s bid to become New York’s top jurist blocked in the State Senate after pressure from labor and pro-choice groups. (NYMag)
  • The restaurant industry makes new hires pay for “safety trainings” and spends their money fighting minimum wage increases. (NYT)
  • Kroger union files lawsuit alleging rampant wage theft. (News59)
  • “That was torture”: Kenyan laborers paid $2/hr (or less) to screen out horrific content for the ChatGPT bot. (Time)
  • The teacher shortage in MS is so bad that high school students are teaching themselves geometry. (WaPo)