2012 Hillman Prize-winner Reports on Bangladesh Factory Collapse
Sarah Stillman won the 2012 Hillman Prize for magazine journalism. This week, she reports on the aftermath of the collapse of Rana Plaza factory complex in Bangladesh, and the Bangladeshi labor activists determined to fight on in the face of unimaginable tragedy.
Next week, the Hillman Foundation will present a special Officers’ Award for Public Service to the garment workers of Bangladesh in menory of Aminul Islam, the late Bangladeshi union leader who was abducted and murdered, likely for his activism on behalf of garment workers. Islam helped Brian Ross of ABC News prove that a factory consumed by flames was making garments for iconic American brands like Tommy Hilfiger. Ross and his team will receive the Hillman Prize for Broadcast Journalism at the ceremony on Tuesday.
2013 Hillman Prize ceremony to take place Tuesday May 7th at the Times Center in NYC. The event is free and open to the public. Meet our winners and our distinguished judges. RSVP to info@hillmanfoundation.org