Canadian Hillman Prize | Hillman Foundation

Canadian Hillman Prize

Since 1950, the Sidney Hillman Foundation has honoured U.S journalists who pursue investigative reporting and deep storytelling in service of the common good. In 2011, the Sidney Hillman Foundation inaugurated the Canadian Hillman Prize. We are pleased to offer this prize to a Canadian journalist whose work makes a difference to the lives of Canadians.

2018 Canadian Hillman Prize

2018 Canadian Hillman Prize WinnersJayme Poisson, David Bruser

Grassy Narrows mercury contamination​

The Toronto Star

2018 Honourable Mention2018 Honourable Mention

Patti Sonntag, Robert Cribb, Mike De Souza, Carolyn Jarvis, Elizabeth McSheffrey, Patricia W. Elliott, and journalism students at the universities of Concordia, Ryerson, Regina and British Columbia

The Price of Oil

A collaboration of the Toronto Star, National Observer, Global News, the Corporate Mapping Project, and four Canadian universities

2018 Honourable Mention2018 Honourable Mention

Hilary Beaumont, Martha Troian, Justin Ling, Victoria Ptashnick, Mallika Viegas, Natalie Alcoba

Canada’s Indigenous water crisis